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Gen Z consumers do not trust big brands, and they are sceptical of traditional marketing techniques. What now?

Today’s consumer has given up on the buying experience altogether. They are increasingly avoiding the showroom, skipping customer service and buying without the shopping experience.

If your business is still trying to get people to the showroom, tweaking your sales presentations, overcoming objections and crafting clever closing techniques; your plumb out of luck, I brought it online.

Introducing the Social Media Influencer. An individual who becomes a friend to your market they do their research and buying experience for them on a 90-second video and then leads them to the  “add to cart” button.

This works incredibly well if it comes from a fan or a user’s perspective rather than a paid spokesperson.

Square payment gateways ran an ideal campaign recently; this will give you an idea of how user influencers work.


So here are some ideas on getting started with “User Influencers” for your businesses.

  • Keep an eye out for prominent personalities who are customers or users. The opportunity for “15 minutes of fame” may be enough to get them on board and in front of your audience.
  • Don’t be afraid to start small. Initially, you don’t need big sets and high cinematography; sometimes, a grassroots earth approach is best.
  • Video is best but keep it short.



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Earle Webber

With over thirty years in content marketing and brand development, Earle is the director of, and Earle is also a founding partner at